To Jamie's Dad

My love, it’s been five years since we both said “I do” and over 12 years since I’ve fallen in love with you… And I love you so much, you are my rock, my soul mate, my best friend and the best thing that ever happened to me, that’s now besides the beautiful son that was created out of our love.

Thank you for being the most patient, considerate, helpful, loving husband I could have ever asked for. You are A M A Z I N G and I’m so in love with you AND I love you with all my heart.

Happy 5 years, I know there’s still a whole lot more to come, we’ll grow old together and show the world that Romeo + Juliet was just a crush, we’re the real deal 🙂

Another month went bye-bye

Last year this time my Pixie Boy barely sat on his own, today he is running, jumping, climbing and even walking backwards. Today he is 17 months old – 5 months since he turned 1, and well on his way to his second birthday which is only a little bit more than a handful of months away.

Today I also discovered his 15th toothie and his 16th will make its debut very soon as well. Oh boy my little guy is teething like there is no tomorrow, hard to believe that this time last year he was still a gummy bear!

I  have to tell you how much fun we’re having right now while we’re on holiday! We have so much quality time together and Jamie is beaming! He is loving all the attention and fun that we’re having. There’s road trips, and shopping, swimming, beach days, lots of playing and singing and learning too. I wish I could have a little more free time to do these things with him in a normal day, but I guess that is what all working moms wish for.

We’re celebrating his second Xmas in 4 days time and I think Santa’s even going to be more generous this year than he was last year. Everybody wants to spoil the little dude, put a smile on his face… And it’s so easy to overspend on him… I know that by experience! 🙂

Happy 17 months angel child of mine. I love you more and more with every passing day, and if I love you this much already I don’t know if we’ll be able to fit all my love for you  into this universe in another year’s time.

Another Hospital Visit

We had our 3rd trip to the E.R. and our 2nd hospital stay of the year and this mommy’s heart can take no more!  Oh it feels like it breaks into a million pieces every time my poor pixie is ill or gets hurt – no more, please!

Monday evening Jamie came home after daycare – nothing wrong with him, he drank loads of water, ate all his food, played etc.  Then came bedtime and I gave him his bottle of milk which he drank and just before I put him to bed he started vomitting.  After the second time my hubby went to the pharmacy to see if there was any meds they could give us to help him with his nausea.  We got some meds and gave it to him, but it didn’t help, he kept throwing up and after 4/5 times I could see it’s not going to ease up and his poor tummy must have been empty already, so we decided to rush him to the hospital.

The doctor on duty gave him something to help, but after about 15 minutes Jamie still wasn’t any better and the doctor admitted him.  The put him on a drip and took some blood to be tested.  I’m embarressed to say that I almost fainted when they had to insert the I.V. – thank goodness my hubby was there, because I had to leave the room to regain control and calm myself.  When they had to draw his blood it didn’t go any better because they struggled to get his blood flowing and they had to poke my poor boy’s arm full of holes.  

Anyway, we got settled for the night and luckily the vomitting stopped and Jamie fell asleep for the first time and it was well after midnight.  We didn’t sleep well, too much noise in the hospital, and it’s hard to catch some zzz’s in a chair.  The next morning Jamie was a bit better and he drank some water and managed a few Flings (bad mommy! but I had to get him to eat something) and he kept everything in.  Luckily our paed came in later and told us that there’s nothing they could do at the hospital that we can’t do for him at home, so they removed the IV and sent us home.  Jamie showed huge improvement throughout the day, had a great snooze at home and enjoyed all the attention we gave him.  He had a good night too, I slept with him in his bed, because the whole hospital-episode traumatised him a bit and he was rather unsettled.  

As one of my friend’s said, better it happened now than over Christmas – true words, but I wish it didn’t happen at all.  My most sincere wish for him is to have the best health possible in 2012 and that he won’t experience any severe injuries or pain – I can’t stand to see him suffer, my poor little dude!

A big boy bed!

The closer we get to the 16th of December the more excited I get because I know it means 3 weeks quality time with my beloved hubby and Pixie-wixie!  That makes me so happy… I know we’re going to have oodles of fun 🙂

We ordered Jamie’s big boy bed a few weeks ago, and I know that it’s quite early to make the switch from the cot to the bed, but our boy is really uncomfortable in his cot and I think the space will help him sleep better.  It’s a wooden bed with built-in railings so at least he won’t fall of the bed. It got delivered last week and now he had his first full night in his bed Wednesday night and he slept well, only woke once when he lost his dummy! Last night went okay too, a few dummy calls, but he managed to self soothe most of the times.  He woke at 5:05 am this morning, but then my hubby went to lay down with him and I had to wake the two sleepy heads at 6:30 otherwise they would have been late for work and daycare!  I hope this carries on!  He really loves his bed, when he comes home from daycare he first goes to his room to climb on his bed, stand on it, sit on it and play on it for a little while before he explores the rest of the house.  Now the cot can go into storage for baby number two… whenever we decide to have her 😉

Other news is that the little dude’s two top eyeteeth broke through at last, but it doesn’t stop there looks like the bottom two will soon follow. 14 down, 6 to go!  Yay!!!

With a mouth full of teeth, a proper bed, self-feeding, etc I have to realise that I’m a mom to a little boy and that’s such a difficult mind shift to make when he is still so very much baby too.  Guess it will become a reality when we’re done with nappies one day hehehe