Yo Ho Ho, Jamie’s 3rd Birthday

I vowed to myself that I will always bake my own kids’ birthday cakes. I love baking, and it would give me the opportunity to better myself at the decorating part and have fun with it.  Jamie’s first cake was a train with wagons – adorned with sweets, buttercream and caramel.  His second birthday cake was a cupcake tower.  Both really easy to do.  Then when Jamie requested a Jake and the Neverland Pirates birthday party, I knew that it’s going to be a bit more difficult to do.  At first I thought okay, I’ll just bake a simple sheet cake and print a icing sheet and pipe some icing on – slap bang, can do that in my sleep.  But then I thought why not make it special and I started playing with fondant.  I started with a fondant Jake figurine, but failed twice, third time lucky!  Then I did a Tic Toc Croc too, a palm tree, a treasure chest and a map.  I was having so much fun with it!  Then decided to make cupcake toppers too – mini crocs and Jake faces.  After two weeks of making fondant figurines and a full day of baking I finished Jamie’s birthday cake and it came out marvelous, if I do say so myself.  Bottom tier delicious carrot cake and top tier red velvet cake.  Jamie said “WOW” and actually said “dankie mamma” when he saw the finished product – mission accomplished, Happy mommy & Happy birthday boy!

The evening before Jamie’s birthday we put all Jamie’s pressies in the lounge and a lot of balloons too.  The next morning when he woke up, we took him there and told him it’s his special day.  Oh he loved unwrapping his pressies…. it was such a mission to get him to get dressed, eat and leave our house to go to his party.

At the venue I had to quickly set everything up – all the food, the kids table etc.  And then the little guests started to arrive.  Jamie had such a ball.  The venue is such a nice place for little kids to run, climb and play their little hearts out.

When it was time to sing Happy Birthday Jamie got shy and I had to hold him while he buried his sweet little face in my neck, but with a little encouragement and help from his friends he blew his candles out.

The two hours passed so quickly, but soon the children got tired… everybody except for my little dude, who was so excited he started unwrapping pressies in the car already.  At home he played with all his new toys, he had so much fun.  Later that evening I asked him what he wanted for dinner and I gave him the option of Nando’s – he loves their chicken and rolls, KFC pops or Debonairs.  My mom always used to allow us to choose our birthday meals.  But no, what does Jamie want?  He wanted to make worsie-pizza with me.  So special that he wanted mom’s food and not anything else.

After a quick bath, and some cuddle-time, Jamie fell asleep just after 7.  He had a full day, a special day – and after all it’s hard work being a newly turned 3-year old!


Bday 1 Bday 2

Happy 3rd Birthday, Jamie!!!

My dearest Jamie

Three!  You are no longer a baby, you are no longer 1, not even 2… No, you have blessed and enriched our lives for THREE years now.  Oh my beautiful boy, in these three years you have made us so very happy.  You truly put so much sparkle in our lives, so many smiles upon our faces, and the warm, fuzzy feelings in this mommy’s heart is endless.

It was with much anticipation you looked forward to your birthday!  It was the first time you understood the concept of it and we were able to count down the days.  You wanted to have a Jake and the Pirates party and cake and of course mommy had to make your wish come true.  You even ordered your cupcakes for school – they had to be chocolate with chocolate and white icing, and jellytots on top!  You sang Happy Birthday, Jamie so many times and we practiced blowing out your candles which you loved.  Then the morning of your birthday arrived and you excitedly announced “HAPPY BIRTHDAY ME!!!”

Yes, indeed – Happy birthday, Jamie.  Happy, happy birthday, sweet, gorgeous child of mine.  May you always be this happy, may the sun always shine for you and may you be blessed abundantly.  May you always see the beautiful side of life, experience endless love and above all stay true to yourself, because Jamie – you are beautiful inside and out.  I know you will achieve so much in your life and I am so proud of you already.  Daddy and I will love you for all eternity, unconditionally and with every fibre of our bodies – that will always be a constant in your life so please, please remember that.

Happy 3rd birthday, Jamie!  Hiep, hiep Hooray !!!!
Love you stacks, awesome, handsome little dude!

Mommy xxx



This month is going so quick; and this mommy’s so busy… wanted to do so many blog posts, so will just have to combine them all into one, because very soon it is going to be time to do my Happy Birthday, Jamie Post!

My boy does and says the sweetest things, and I need to document them all, I never want to forget these precious moments.

Last night Jamie removed a leaf on one of my indoor plants and at first I wanted to get mad at him for damaging my plant, but then before I could say anything he told me “there you, go, mommy – a flower for you”.  Then of course daddy also needed to get a “flower”.  Was so cute and made me feel all warm and fuzzy.  Just like the other day when Jamie watched an episode of Dora the Explorer and at the end she asks her viewers what their favourite part of the trip was, awww and then Jamie replied (I guess without understanding the question correctly) “My mamma, pappa”.  That was also heart-warming that we are his favourites.

I was surprised this weekend learning that Jamie knows all about the Superman character.  He leaped off my stepping stool, one arm straight into the air, and in a sing-songy voice yelled “Supeeeerman”.  He does that regularly now.  He is my little super-dude, that’s for sure!


Talking about Superman, just this past weekend as well, driving some place, Jamie announced that his daddy is superman, mommy is a mermaid – and he insisted that I made sweesh-sweesh sounds while tossing my hair around HAHA.  Oh and he is a dog and he went ahead barking “woefwoefwoefwoefwoef”.

Yes, my little handsome’s got a big imagination, just like his mommy.  He likes feeding hubby and me pretend food he cooks, it’s usually cookies.  My little cookie monster sure loves cookies!  He had so much fun the other day when we took him to Windsor and he played in the pretend-kitchen with all the kitchen utensils, stove and microwave.  We literally had to drag him away there.  Still want to make him a little corner in my kitchen so that he can do his thing.  His oumie has an old, broken microwave for him, it’s definitely going to rock his little world when I add some pots and pans and make-believe food.

He cooks real food though too!  He loves working in the kitchen with me.  He can bake cupcakes – all I have to do is measure it for him and he’ll put everything together and whisks like a pro.  We make him a pizza at least once a week too.  He puts the tomato sauce on, grates the cheese, I just have to cut the ham and he’ll arrange it and then lastly he’ll put on some herbs.  He’s such an amazing sous-chef 🙂  I just need to keep him away from the eggs, because he loves breaking them open!  Was so funny the other day when I boiled eggs for his daddy’s lunch box, and he saw them on the kitchen counter and grabbed them to break them open and inside was the cook egg, but he quickly caught on and shelled the eggs for me – which is a good thing, I hate shelling boiled eggs!

Recently he learned our names…  Daddy is Jonitan, mommy is Deps, and then he refers to himself as Jame-Jame which is my little nickname for him.  He usually refers to himself as Jamie, so I thought it was so cute when I asked him what his name was and he said Jame-Jame.  I was impressed that he pronounced our surname correctly too, which so many people just can’t get right.

Jamie loves our family members and has built up so many special relationships within our family.  Of course the ones that spoil him so much gets extra special treatment from him.  Whenever we get home from a visit with my parents and his godmother we bring home truckloads of sweets and Flings.  It takes a mere packet of Flings or Toppers chocolate or vanilla cookies to get in his good books.  It’s so special though, I love that there are many out there that will be there for him no matter what.  Pure love!  Have you ever seen a granny on a trampoline?  A granny that’s 64 years old and scared of heights? The other day I had such a laugh when my mom came to visit us and she got on Jamie’s trampoline with him.  I’m glad I took a picture, it’s such treasured memories.

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He’s got a thing for rocks!  The other day we walked around in our complex and he gathered stones as far as he went.  Had to carry them all back home.  Then later when he was with his dad, he picked up more and brought it home as well in a little bag.  On Monday night, he even insisted to sleep with them, and not only that – they had to be covered with a blankey!  Weird huh?

A big milestone was reached a couple of weeks ago – Jamie started sleeping on his own… we did a bit of sleep training.  Previously I had to lay down with him until he falls asleep, which I allowed because I love holding my boy and comforting him and be there for him, but I realised that he is old enough now to fall asleep on his own, and that I needed some down time with hubby after Jamie’s bedtime.  Look, it was horrible for a bit, because I had to make a deal with him – as long as he stays in his bed I will leave the door open, but if he keeps getting out I will close it.  And he did get out of bed, and I had to keep my promise which he didn’t like, but it worked out because he caught on real quick.  But oh boy, the excuses I get from him not to go to sleep… he either wants me to read another story, and then another, and another, or he’s hungry all of a sudden – but hungry for a cookie, not a sandwich.  But the cutest is when he calls me back, and he shows me one little finger meaning he just wants one more kissy, and one more hug.

Jamie doedoe

In just 4 sleepies, Jamie will be turning 3, and he is still very much looking forward to his “Happy Birthday”.  Luckily he is still set on a Jake theme.  I found a Jake t-shirt at PnP the other day and I thought that I will let him wear it over a long-sleeved t-shirt for his party, but of course the little mister insisted on wearing it the next day, and not with a long-sleeved shirt underneath, not with a jacket over it, just like that and there was nothing I could do or say to change his mind.  So the next day, this mommy sew on some long sleeves, and it looked great, but now he is upset about it and refuses to wear it.  He truly is a stubborn dude, especially when he’s made up his mind about something.  But I still love him buckets-full!  Why?  Because he’s just awesome, look at that gorgeous face!1529_10151461317506650_1024942458_n