Highlights of Jamie's 3rd month on Mother Earth

What a month’s it been!

Here are some highlights:

  1. Jamie kicked off his third month by starting to sleep through – we are sleeping a blissful 8- 9 hours straight!
  2. He is showing a great interest in his toys, he cuddles with his soft toy sea horse and octopus and shakes around the rattles his aunties has given him.  He is fascinated by the cot mobile I made it and he watches his fish & starfish with great awe, not even mentioning the little birdy from Aunty Jess he has loved from early on.
  3. His neck has grown incredibly strong and when on his tummy he uses his arms to push up
  4. He sits up straight when propped up against pillows, when he slouches forward, he tries his very best to get up straight again.
  5. He still loves his bouncy chair and enjoys his time in his Ubbabubba wrap with mommy
  6. For the first time he enjoys his playmat and has laughed out loud at around 10 weeks at his giggling monkey
  7. Jamie is ‘talking’ a lot, and I mean a lot!  He imitates me saying hi and hello to him, it sounds so cute when he goes ‘aaaaaaaai’ and ‘eeeeeeeee-oooooooo’
  8. He is such an easy baby, really doesn’t cry a lot and when he does it’s either hunger, wind, burning reflux or a dirty nappy and if he is tired it’s easy to tell, because he cries a different type of cry, it sounds like “nê” and not “eh” as per usual
  9. He still adores his baths, and loves his massage time while I sing to him, but he hates getting dressed, but I act crazy to distract him and then he is all laughs.
  10. Feeding time is going well too, he is still breastfeeding and luckily there’s no hiccups there – he switches between bottle and boob easily

Month 3 has been great, can’t wait to see what Month 4 has in store for us.

Jamie is a real little poser and his mommy a real wanna-be photographer – some photographic highlights of the month:



He is 3 months old!

Dear Jamie


Today we are celebrating you being part of our lives for 3 months. These past couple of months was the best months of our lives. Your daddy said it so nice the other day when he said that you came and you made our lives complete. It’s so true, my little baby boy – we were happy and in love before you became part of our lives, but since you arrived it’s even better, you came and made it absolutely 100% perfect – our little family of three.


I can’t begin to tell you how happy you make us. My heart swells of absolute pride and love when I look at you. Sometimes when I see you smile, it brings tears to my eyes – tears of total happiness.


After 3 months I still can’t get enough of you, I still study your face for hours, especially when you’re sleeping like an angel. I love your sparkling blue eyes, your cute button nose, your little pixie ears, your soft downy hair, your pouty little rosebud mouth, each and every perfect finger & toe, your cute belly button, and that little baby bum that fits perfectly in my one hand.


I love how you smile at me and smile at your daddy. I love the way you push your bottle away when you had enough to drink. I love how you enjoy your baths, splashing around like a little dolphin. I love how you suck your dum-dum in your sleep, looking like Maggie Simpson. I love how you like to snuggle with me in the early mornings when I take you out of your cot and bring you to bed with me and sleep for another hour or two. I love how good you’ve been, reaching your milestones in leaps and bounds. I love how much you look like your dad. I love those long & curly eyelashes of yours. I love your patience, you’ve been so patient with your new mommy, taking everything in your stride.


But angel of my heart, most of all, I love you. I was born to be your mom and I love every minute of it. I live for you and I live for your daddy – I pray that we will always be like we are now: safe, warm, happy & loved.


Happy 3 months my angel!


Love always



Pregnancy & Birth Scrapbook Finished!

It’s finished!  It was a lot of work, but the end product is BEAUTIFUL!!!  This is going to become part of Jamie’s gift on his 21st birthday.  I’m also going to sew him a quilt consisting of some of his baby clothes, blankies and other special fabric.

The scrapbook starts where I got my big fat positive and ends at Jamie’s newborn shoot.  It consists of letters I wrote to Jamie and even a letter I asked hubby to write, photos, scan pics, belly pics and other memorabilia.  I’m really proud – let me show you some of the pages:


Chewing his little hands

My little punk is so cute!  These days when he loses his dummy, he just goes ahead and self-sooth with his little fist.  But it’s sooooo funny, he tries to get his thumb into his mouth, but usually can’t get it right so he ends up either with his forefinger or his whole little fist in his mouth.  My babe is just so precious!

On another front – today at his 11-week birth-day he laughed out loud or rather giggled for the first time.  My heart skipped a beat 🙂

10 Week Immunizations

We took Jamie for his 10-week immunizations yesterday.   My boy took it well once again, just like his 6-week shots!

This is how Jamie’s stats looks like:

Birth Weight:   3.7 kg

6-Week: 4.7 kg

10-Week: 5.9 kg

Birth Length: 51cm

6-Week: 59cm

10-Week: 62cm

Birth Head Circumference: 35.5cm

6-Week:  39cm

10-Week: 40cm

So my boy had grown so well!  Really proud of him!

Plus we got such a nice feather in our cap yesterday when the sister at the clinic told us she thinks we’re doing extremely well for first-time parents 🙂 that made my day!

As every day goes by my heart swells even more of pride and love for Jamie.  At 10 weeks, he smiles so much, it makes my day in the mornings when he greets me with a gigantic smile on his face.  He is so interested in his surroundings and enjoys his toys, rattles & mobiles.  Oh and he loves to chat, he is a real chatterbox, he makes the cutest baby sounds and it just melts my heart.  Jamie still enjoys his baths, and this week he surprised us with making a huge poo in the bath and pee’ing twice!  This mom was not impressed, but had to laugh out loud!