Thanks so much Charlotte – Blog Award

Charlotte nominated me, thanks, you are a sweetie, and thanks so much for the kind words on your blog.  You are a fab, loving mommy too and your children are absolute angels.


The conditions of receiving this award are:


Thank the person who gave you the award


Reveal 7 random facts about yourself


Choose 5 other people who you believe deserve the award and pass it on




7 Random things about myself:

  1. I collect fairies, love them, and it’s something “magical” in my life
  2. Mayonaise & Mustard both revolts me – can’t eat it at all… can you imagine having to order in a restaurant or getting take-aways, I always get raised eyebrows.
  3. I’m absolutely terrified of blood, needles and such, don’t know how I’m going to handle my rough little boy.
  4. One of my favourite activities is walking on the beach.
  5. I’ve got dead straight hair, wish it were curly.
  6. I can’t pronounce the letter “r”
  7. I love cold, rainy weather.  

I nominate the following fellow bloggers for this award:


  1. Tanya from Mommyhood journey with a Toddler ( – she’s got the most cute toddler boy
  2. Bri from Fleeting Moments ( – she’s such an inspiration and a great mentor in mommyhood
  3. Jess from Simply Blessed & Fabulous ( – I admire this lady’s strength
  4. Jess from Motherhood: Live Well, Laugh Often, Love Much ( – a special friend and a wonderful mommy
  5. Chantal from Our Baby D ( – Another mommy friend with the cutest baby girl.


Roughing it with dad

What is it with boys and playing rough?  This poor mommy’s heart!

Jamie’s newest crave is adrenalin and daddy just loves to oblige… or wait!  I rather think he is the instigator.  Jamie loves riding horsey on mommy’s knee, or dance around like mad around the house, but oh boy when daddy plays with him, his little face lights up and he can’t get enough of dives, bungee jumps off daddy’s shoulders and being thrown up in the air.

An accident can happen so quickly and each and every time I will shout “not so high”, “please be safe”, “dont take your eyes off him”, “enough now!”  

Look at the joy though:

As I said, my poor, poor heart!

1 1 M o n t h s ! !

Today, we are a month away of celebrating our baby boy’s very first birthday. It’s unbelievable, but yet it feels like he’s been part of our lives forever… or at least much longer than the 11 months he is today.


This past month has been WOW to say the very least. We are so proud of our little dude, he has accomplished so much this past month:

  1. On the 28th of May he gave his first few steps, on the day of his Christening a week later he walked another 3 – 4 steps and a week after that he has started walking full-out.
  2. He has learned to “ta” – hand things over when I ask for it. He’ll even pick things up from the floor and walk over to hand it to me when I ask him and point. Clever, clever little punk 🙂
  3. When I call him on his name, even if he is another room, he comes to me, as fast as his little legs could carry him
  4. He started to clap his hands at last! He is so cute while he dances and claps and jives on his music.
  5. He understands so much more, it’s amazing how fast he grasps a concept.
  6. Jamie also started to talk a whole lot more, and a whole lot makes sense, his current favourite word is baba, then he also says mamma, pappa and he took my dad off guard the other day with an “oupa”.   He also says “ka”, still trying to figure out if he wants to say “kat (cat)” or car, but I think it’s kat, because he is totally mesmerized by our kitty. The other adorable thing he says is “E-ko”, meaning Ek kom (I am coming) when I call him.

I am really enjoying this stage my babe is in right now, he is cute as a button and so loveable, I can’t begin to say how many times a day he puts a big, fat smile on my face.   I receive so many impromptu hugs, I just love how he puts his little arms around my neck and just hold me. This little guy is my life.


Happy 11 months, Jamie-Jame.

Mommy & Daddy loves you, we will always love you and we’re oh so proud of our little boy

Keep on rocking this world 🙂

M O N T H L Y  U P D A T E : 

How old is Jamie now?

11 Months!!!


What his favourite things to eat

This month he is still going through his yogurt stage.

Also he loved his chicken & veggie dish and butternut pasta bake

Flings and Marie Biscuits will stay in his favourites list 🙂


What milestones has he reached recently?

The biggest was walking, so proud of my boy


What words does he say regularly?

Mamma, Pappa, Baba (see above)


How many toofies?

Still 8, that eye tooth is still making its way through


How does he sleep at night?

Still not well, we do a lot of co-sleeping. Slowly but surely starting to do sleep training, the comfort ladder method, but it’s slow going, because this mommy’s a softy when it comes to her boy.


Weight & Length?

Just over 10kg, haven’t measured recently


What has been your highs for the past couple of weeks?

Jamie had a beautiful christening and that’s a big high for sure.

My hubby’s first Father’s Day – we had such a special day together.

My little one holding my hand when we walk together, in his sleep sometimes or when he wants to get my attention, that’s so sweet… I love holding hands with him.


What have been you lows for the past couple of weeks?

Daycare – I have trouble with his caregivers sticking to our routines, they keep trying to force their routines on him and it just doesn’t work like that.

Just as we got better we both got sick … again. I can handle being sick, but I hate it if Jamie isn’t feeling well, I feel so helpless


One cutie-pie thing?

There’s so many, but one of the cutest things recently is he is starting to share his food, when he eats a rice cake or Flings he will offer you a bite or just casually shove it into your mouth – hey sharing is caring 😀


Something Surreal?

Looking at my “baby”, just a few months ago he was a helpless little babe only capable of crying, pooping and drinking milk, now he has developed in this little kid who talks (or tries to), interacts, dances and walks around the house… it’s incredible and I’m amazed by him


Something to look forward to?

A special little boy is turning 1 in a month’s time ~ Whoop Whoop!

In honour of Father's Day

Jamie is incredibly lucky to have such a kick-ass dad and I’m so lucky to such an awesome husband.

We couldn’t ask for a better husband or father, everything he is doing, he is doing for us. He provides for our every need, be it material or emotional. He’s there for us no matter what and he loves us unconditionally…


And we love and adore him too.


Happy First Father’s Day, my love. Please know that Jamie couldn’t ask for a better daddy and that you’re a hero-daddy in his eyes.

I couldn’t have asked for a better partner in crime to share this whole parenthood thing with.


What makes a dad?


God took the strength of a mountain,
The majesty of a tree,
The warmth of a summer sun,
The calm of a quiet sea,

The generous soul of nature,
The comforting arm of night,
The wisdom of the ages,
The power of the eagle’s flight,

The joy of a morning in spring,
The faith of a mustard seed,
The patience of eternity,
The depth of a family need,

Then God combined these qualities,
When there was nothing more to add,
He knew His masterpiece was complete,
And so, He called it … Dad

Watch out Jamie Oliver!!!

We’ve got another (somewhat smaller) Jamie in training over here! This little guy loves being in the kitchen with his mommy, tasting everything, playing around with the pots and pans and watching what I’m doing as I cook and fiddle around in the kitchen.


I wonder if he’ll indulge me and let me teach him how to cook one day. I know we’ll have so much fun baking and cooking together 🙂 (and I know then I’m going to have a very thankful daughter-in-law once day tie-hie-hie)

Lesson Nr 1 – How to handle a pan

Jamie's Christening

We had Jamie’s Christening on Sunday and it was such a special day. It was a small and intimate ceremony and just Jamie’s grandparents and godparents were there with us. We had it in the church’s chapel and the grandmothers both brought him in. The pastor gave us a meaningful message and then said a beautiful prayer and my hubby had to light a candle for Jamie. This candle was given to us so that we can put it on Jamie’s birthday cakes in the future.   The pastor then ended by singing a cute little song to Jamie. Lastly the pastor introduced us as a family and my sister’s boy got to ring the church bell for us. It was truly special and I was so proud of our little family of three.

Afterwards we had cake, snacks & coffee at our house and Jamie was the bell of the ball, enjoying all the attention of his loved ones and had a great time indulging in the snacks and cupcakes as well!


Oh boy and I forgot to say how handsome my little dude looked, too gorgeous for words; I just wanted to kiss him all up!